Thanks to a successful ‘Awards for All’ application, the National Lottery Community Fund will be helping our communities thrive by supporting three of our popular wellbeing activities throughout 2023-24.
The investment of £8,976 will support the following:
Mindfulness & Movement sessions for people living with Dementia and their Carers – led by Catherine Hawkins
Tuesdays 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Kingsleigh Methodist Church, 73 King Street, Leigh WN7 4LR
A couple of day trips and access to an 8-week Mindfulness course are also available. Contact for further information.
“The sessions give me a chance to stop and relax on a regular basis. This ‘me-time’ is a chance to catch my breath and gives me energy to continue my caring duties.”
M&M participant
Leigh Young Writers group will receive professional Creative Writing and Visual Arts tuition, improving skills for young people aged 11 to 16 - led by Louise Fazackerley, Natasha Tingle & Peter Kennedy.
FREE Workshops will be held on Tuesdays between 7.00 – 8.30pm at the Turnpike Centre, Leigh Civic Square, WN7 1EB. A few sessions are scheduled to take place at Leigh Spinners Mill, Park Lane WN7 2LB. Venues are indicated on the list:
7th November (Spinners) – Writing with Louise & Natasha
21st November (Spinners) – Art with Peter & Louise
5th December (Turnpike) – Writing with Natasha & Louise
19th December (Turnpike) – Art with Peter & Natasha
16th January 2024 (Spinners) – Writing with Louise & Natasha
30th January (Turnpike) – Art with Peter & Louise
13th February (Turnpike) – Writing with Natasha & Louise
27th February (Turnpike) – Art with Peter & Louise
12th March (Turnpike) – Writing with Natasha & Louise
26th March (Turnpike) – Art with Peter & Natasha
‘MemorabLeigh’, our Reminiscence & Friendship Group for the over 50’s, will access a programme of 10 special guest speakers who will introduce the group to some new and interesting topics - led by Julie McKiernan
Tuesdays from 1.00pm to 3.00pm at The Old Grammar School, Railway Road, Leigh
The scheduled programme is as follows:
24th October – David Shallcross: Leigh Ornithological Society
21st November – Kath Roberts: St Joseph’s Players
5th December – Mike Latham: Leigh Rugby League
23rd January – Tony Stanton: “The Road to Frank’s Café”
20th February – Diana Brooks: Working with Ken Dodd
12th March – Chris Mackenzie: Manod Quarry (Protecting the Nation's Art Treasures at the Secret National Art Repository since WW2)
April / May / June events – to be confirmed
“My hairdresser even said 'I think this has done you a power of good!'"
MemorabLeigh participant